Collected by Katcherry
As I told you in the article before, the fall / winter is coming in slow but small steps toward us. No one thinks about coats or especially knits , while our temperatures are so high and the sun gives its best. But at some point you have to deal with it, otherwise you stand in the cold out there and have to shiver. And that is exactly that we don’t want, right? I can remember many evenings in Munich, when I was on my way back home, freezing and waiting at the train station, because the S-Bahn was too late again. But hey, I wanted to look good and I don’t want to carry my jacket around. So the next day, of course, I stuck in bed while I was sick. Those days are hopefully passed by :).

Honestly I must say that I am a total chilblain. I shiver through my whole body everytime while a cold breeze past me by. The first thought is always to snuggly in a warm blanket. Do you know that? Or you’re not such chilblains? Men doesn’t know this phenomenon biologically body reaction, (clearly there are also some exceptions), because they have more muscle mass to the body as fat. So, what shall this mean for me, from my sentence before ? Should I train myself so much that I gain more muscle mass?

I think, Workout is awesome and the feeling after exercise is simply priceless, but I like my femininity and that is why I would prefer to reach so many beautiful coats * laughs *. And of course, the coat should be stylish, affordable and good looking. In this post (actually all below 120 euros), I show you a couple of beautiful coat inspiration together. Some brands are even on sale. Therefore, prefer to engage now than afterwards to pay the full price. And who knows, maybe some of this coat is now in my shopping bag.
- The End -
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